What students are saying...

5 star
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1 star
Charles Boudousquie
Charles Boudousquie
"good course, easy to learn and stay motivated"
04 Jan 2025
Olavo Marques Ribeiro da Costa Werlang
"Amazing course! As a beginner in programming, this course has been spectacular so far. Gustavo does a great job explaining Lua's logic, and gradually making it more complex. I'm ready to give the bonus lectures a go and start implementing and practicing what I learned, very excited to do so. The course feels like an excellent starting point for anyone interested in learning programming, Lua's logic is very simple and intuitive, and learning it will help when learning, bigger, more complex languages. Thanks Gustavo! Abraço do Brasil!"
15 Aug 2024
"One of the best intros to Lua out there. Concepts are explained in a very approachable way and the exercises have the right amount of challenge for beginners. 100% worth the asking price if you're getting started on Lua."
21 Jun 2024
Seann Zhane
"Excellent Lua Course! Easy to follow, clear explanation even good for first time programmer."
03 Mar 2024
Kris Inniss
Kris Inniss
"Great course! Apparent and concise instruction. Easy to follow along. I had a few hiccups on Windows OS but these difficulties are mentioned in the course."
18 Jan 2024
Vilas Chitrakaran
Engineer Ph.D., C.Eng.
"Absolutely amazing. Loved this course. The pace was right for me and I intend to use Lua as a scripting language in my projects. I hope to do other courses in Pikuma as well."
01 Oct 2023
Fabrizio Sartori
"AMAZING. I'm not games programmer, but I'm really impressed about the concepts explained and also the power of LUA Scripting Language. I think that Roblox topic demands some experience playing Roblox and also concepts of games programming."
26 Mar 2023
Tony Kiong
"Very Good."
06 Dec 2022
Andres Mata
Profesor de talleres tecnológicos
"I loved this course! I enrolled in this course because I was fascinated by Pico-8 and TIC-80 fantasy consoles and wanted to understand how the communication between Lua and C worked. I have to admit that I kind of hated of Lua in the beginning but after taking this course I realized that was because I didn't really understand the language. Now I love it, and it's one of my favorite languages."
08 May 2022
William Allenr
"Everything I never thought I needed! I came here to learn enough about LUA to write and read Table Top Simulator script. But ended up learning so so much more. Gustavo teaches with passion and is so relatable. I will be taking more of his courses for sure."
31 Mar 2022
Alexandre Garcia
Alexandre Garcia
"The OOP section was a life changer and helped my game's data structure."
19 Jan 2022
Hannah Kloepper
Hannah Kloepper
"From the moment the class first started, to the very end - I understood EVERY concept he brought to the table. The exercises REALLY help solidify and test your knowledge. Also, they're super fun! I had so much fun with this class! I can't wait to continue to learn more about Lua and truly become a master! Thank you Mr. Pezzi!"
20 Oct 2021
Ben Pavy
"If you cannot program lua fairly well once you have finished this course then sorry but you have got problems.

Great course, 5/5!"
26 Apr 2021
Wamiq Ur Rehman
"Just the teacher I needed. He taught way more than I thought I could learn this quickly. Thank you!"
24 Dec 2020
Ednildo Silva
"Excelente. It is an excellent material about lua."
03 Nov 2020
Matthias Falk
"Excellent Course! Very well structured and delivered."
11 Apr 2020